The pandemic has put our failing food system in even more jeopardy. When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down much of society this spring, those of us involved in food security realized that the supply of healthy food, especially to vulnerable communities, is now at a much greater risk of failing to meet human needs.
In March of this year, the Urban Rural Emergency Food Forum Series was called to discuss these issues. The forum concluded that as this year’s harvest ends, we must transform our food system in order to mitigate the harm of the COVID pandemic, as well as climate chaos and soil depletion.
Members of the forum, Farmers, Food ngos, workers, co-ops, youth leaders and activists drafted an Open Letter to alert government and public about the need to take action to address our local farm and food crisis. (Read Letter Here)
Forum members decided to build on urban/rural connections to set up the Eco-Just Food Network to engage farmers and communities in mobilizing to respond to pandemic/climate impacts on our local food system. The network serves as a platform to combine people, resources and infrastructure to rapidly organize and activate food corps (teams/crews) to support farming and food production.